Pre-Menstrual Syndrome - What is it?
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a legitimate medical condition with various physical and emotional symptoms that can disrupt your well-being, work and personal life. The symptoms occur on a regular basis during the pre-menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle (usually 7-10 days prior to menses). For some women, this condition can be significantly debilitating.
Diagnosis of PMS is based on certain symptoms
- breast tenderness
- bloating
- weight gain
- mood swings
- teariness
- depression
- tiredness
- irritability
- chocolate or carbohydrate cravings
- headaches
- difficulty sleeping
- abdominal cramping
- dizziness
- clumsiness.
These symptoms are very real. If they occur for at least 4 days prior to menses and disappear when bleeding begins, PMS is considered to be present. The tragedy with this condition is that many doctors either deny it exists or simply believe that women periodically have emotional swings that are normal.
Only with the Creighton Model System can the hormonal imbalance which underlies these symptoms be corrected. The timing of these symptoms is important in order to distinguish between symptoms that occur in the pre-menstrual phase and those that occur all the time. e.g. symptoms associated with depression.
PMS is primarily considered to result from a progesterone deficiency. There are also studies showing links with decreased Beta-endorphins during the post-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. Women need to be reassured that this physiological condition resulting from a hormonal abnormality is ‘not a condition in their head’.
The Oral Contraceptive Pill is commonly prescribed to ‘manage’ PMS which may result in an improvement of symptoms for some women (although it is only masking the real reason why PMS is being experienced). The Pill fails to treat the underlying cause. The FertilityCare™ approach is to diagnose and treat this underlying cause, in a targeted way, which is dependent on a woman learning to chart her fertility using the Creighton Model System. Only then can accurate hormonal evaluation and targeted treatment be conducted.
Attention to good nutrition, exercise and stress management can reduce the effects of PMS and are also addressed
PMS management
NaproTechnology medical treatment involves supplementation with natural hormones in a targeted manner to minimize symptoms in co-operation with your menstrual cycle. This is only prescribed once the hormone deficiency is confirmed. The key to treating PMS is to start treatment once you have ovulated.
The fundamental treatment is to provide natural progesterone support during the pre-menstrual phase of the cycle. This is done by providing Co-operative Replacement Progesterone Therapy (CPRT). Before any treatment is prescribed, a thorough hormone evaluation of the post-ovulatory phase is essential.
How does it work?
The ovary releases the hormone progesterone after ovulation has occurred. In the past, progesterone support was started on a given day in an average cycle, but because of the fact that every woman’s cycle is different and can vary from month to month, starting support on a standard day is inappropriate most of the time as this usually doesn’t coincide accurately with the ovulation event.
Using CPRT, the precise time of ovulation is easily identified and therefore support is able to be commenced at the correctly targeted time. In this way, treatment may start on a different day to correspond exactly with an individual woman’s cycle. If progesterone support is not given at the correct time in the menstrual cycle, it simply does not work.
...the key to the success of CPRT is the appropriate replacement of natural progesterone at the correct time in the cycle… It is simple, affordable and vital to maintain good reproductive health as well as be symptom free and feel normal again!
Timed blood tests for progesterone and Oestradiol 17 beta are critical to evaluate and treat for a hormonal basis to PMS. The improvement can make a dramatic difference in cases of severe PMS that previously compromised the woman’s lifestyle.
It is important to also note that Pre-menstrual Symptoms which last for more than four days each cycle may also indicate that a woman has an increased risk of miscarriage, should she be trying to conceive. This requires evaluation and treatment with the Creighton Model and NaproTechnology.
Treatment is often continued for 6-12 months after which time, many women no longer require medication.
Yes! I suffer from PMS – what should I do next?
Through a series of approximately 4 Follow-Up appointments with a qualified FertilityCare™ Practitioner, women are taught to track their menstrual cycles using the Creighton Model System. Through observing certain biomarkers, women are able to observe changes that occur throughout the cycle and with this information, she is able to accurately identify the pre-ovulatory and post ovulatory phases of her cycle.
Targeted blood hormone evaluation is recommended, usually in the 2nd or 3rd cycle of tracking to reveal any hormone deficiency which requires treatment. Treatment is normally given in the form of natural vaginal pessaries.
The FertilityCare™ Programme can also assist with:
- Abnormal bleeding
- Irregular cycles
- Heavy or painful periods
- Absent cycles
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Ovulation dysfunction
- Endometriosis
- Cervical mucus abnormalities
- Continuous discharges
- Miscarriage
- Infertility
To address PMS, and other cycle irregularities, book an appointment today. Contact Us