Achieving pregnancy naturally…

Timing of intercourse is such a key aspect of any couple maximising their chances of conceiving. The importance of this basic yet KEY aspect is frequently underestimated, especially where there is some male factor contributing to a couple’s difficulty conceiving.

Unfortunately, most women are not aware of

  • exactly which days of their cycle are fertile, or
  • when they are ovulating.

This specific knowledge is critical. It is a myth that every woman has a 28 day cycle and that every woman ovulates on day 14. This is completely inaccurate for the majority of women.

Mother with baby outdoors. Happy family with newborn in summer

Cervical mucus

Only about 10-13% of women ovulate on day 14 of the cycle. Therefore, the actual time of fertility can vary from month to month.

Fertility is a CYCLICAL event. Because the woman’s cervix works as a biological valve (that opens and closes each month), and because this valve produces a physical sign (cervical mucus) which indicates fertility, this information is observable externally and is THE MAIN SIGN of a woman’s fertility that is easily observed. It is a highly advanced indicator to the woman that she is coming up to ovulation.

This key sign is one of the main biomarker’s that women are taught to observe with the Creighton Model System. Couples are taught how to maximise chances of conception using the key information gathered. The specific type and quality of mucus is crucial and an important ‘biomarker’ that couples can use to maximise pregnancy outcome.

Detecting Ovulation

Many women use ovulation test kits to tell them approximately when they might ovulate. These tests kits though sometimes useful (for some women with very regular cycles) in giving an estimate of ovulation, unfortunately tell the woman nothing about her cervical mucus. Ovulation may be occurring every month, but without cervical mucus, conception cannot occur.

This is why it is critical that women begin to chart their cervical mucus and other biomarkers with the Creighton Model in order to objectively evaluate the cervical mucus production and assist with the timing of intercourse.

...The Creighton Model...THE most reliable contemporary system of pinpointing ovulation AND evaluating the quality and quantity of cervical mucus, a biomarker that is essential for conception to occur...

The Creighton Model is the most accurate system for identifying ovulation. This high accuracy in detecting ovulation is regardless of whether a woman has short, regular or long cycles.

Sperm abnormalities

Where the man’s sperm production is impaired in one way or another, particularly in the case of a low sperm count, the timing of intercourse becomes even more critical.

Avoiding intercourse until particular mucus is present allows the sperm count to build up to maximum levels thereby maximising chances of conceiving when timed with the best quality and quantity mucus days. Instructions for intercourse are specifically given which maximise conception.

VDRS - Vaginal Discharge Recording System

In order to thoroughly evaluate the mucus in detail, a medically developed Vaginal Discharge Recording System (VDRS) has been devised through FertilityCare research which allows couples to gain this specific knowledge which they would otherwise not have.

The VDRS has also allowed for accurate, reproducible research to be conducted. A cervical mucus score is calculated each month which allows a couple to monitor this critical aspect of fertility. The score obtained will indicate whether or not there is any limitation in mucus production, and if so, what level of limitation. Couples learn to ‘take charge’ of their fertility, and not simply drift along the route of investigations and procedures which can bypass the underlying problem. As well as monitoring limitations in mucus, any treatment for limited mucus can also be monitored through the use of the VDRS.

Abnormal Discharges

One of the many benefits of the Creighton Model is the ability of the chart to be used as a reproductive record. Some women find it difficult to find their specific days of fertility due to unusual discharges that occur throughout the month. The oestrogen influenced mucus related to fertility and ovulation is distinctly different to ‘other’ discharges which may occur due to vaginal infections or cervical inflammations / ectropians.

Women are taught exactly how to differentiate between these discharges and to detect with accuracy those days which relate to fertility, therefore allowing timed intercourse even where an inflammation, erosion or infection is present.

...this is advanced education in an age where so few women actually understand their cycles and how to maximise conception...

Mucus limitations

A significant number of women who have difficulty conceiving and who begin cycle tracking will notice limitations in mucus production even from the first cycle of charting. This can be both disturbing but re-assuring. Many women comment that ‘just knowing’ what could be impairing fertility means ‘we’re half way there’.

Mucus limitations can occur because of abnormal hormone levels, various medications which can dry up mucus, cervical crypt damage (possibly as a result of laser surgery following abnormal smear tests), stress and poor diet/fluid intake. These all need to be evaluated. NaproTechnology can provide treatment options to address some of these key problems.

...Conception through natural intercourse is the best, most successful way to try and conceive and maintain a pregnancy...


Maximising chances of natural conception involves…

  • Timing of intercourse
  • Maximising frequency of intercourse on particular days
  • Allowing the sperm count to build up before the fertile phase begins
  • Keeping stress to a minimum (stress can impair and/or delay ovulation and dry up cervical mucus)
  • Nutritious diet and regular exercise
  • Men avoiding hot baths, tight clothing and overheating of the sperm which can damage sperm production
  • Emotional and psychological intimacy which helps to reduce stress
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Natural Conception provides a greater chance of maintaining pregnancy

After conception has occurred, there is a natural growth and progression of the embryo (for about 6-9 days) down the fallopian tube which is critical for normal healthy development and maturation to occur. When conception is permitted to take place naturally, there is a higher chance of the couple being able to conceive and a higher chance of maintaining pregnancy because implantation is more likely when this natural growth and progression of the embryo is allowed to take place over the 6-9 days before implantation occurs.

Artificial reproductive technologies side step this process and the embryo (artificially fertilised) is transferred into the womb (artificially) around 2-3 days after conception. Successful implantation depends to a large degree on the lining of the womb thickening adequately prior to implantation. If this thickening is inadequate, miscarriage can occur.

Importance of tracking the menstrual flow (bleeding days)

With Creighton Model tracking, the monthly intensity and duration of the menstrual flow which the woman observes, is highly significant in indicating how well the lining of the womb thickened in the previous month, and hence the likelihood that hormone levels are adequate or below normal. This is observable sign is yet another ‘biomarker’ indicative of the woman’s fertility.

Knowing that 98% of couples with normal fertility conceive naturally using this powerful system helps you realise what a CRITICAL TOOL this is in your journey towards parenthood! For all those wishing to conceive, this should be the absolute FIRST point of call!.

Contact Us to get started today.