The FertilityCare™ approach
Recurrent Miscarriage
Miscarriage can cause a significant amount of heartache and distress for many couples. Medically, this condition is defined when a couple have had three or more consecutive miscarriages. There are multiple factors that may cause miscarriage but unfortunately the underlying problem often remains unexplained.
Identify risk of miscarriage before it even happens…
FertilityCare™ & NaproTechnology have the ability to identify couples who are at risk of miscarriage even before the first miscarriage occurs.
The FertilityCare System can identify
all of which are associated with Progesterone deficiency and increased likelihood of miscarriage.
Pre-menstrual Tension (PMT) which last for more than four days each cycle may also indicate that the couple have an increased risk of miscarriage.
The Creighton Model and initial evaluation
Initial evaluation usually focuses on the woman`s FertilityCare™ chart together with timed hormone evaluation to assess for subtle deficiencies of Progesterone or Oestradiol 17 beta in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. If these hormone levels are found to be below the normal range, treatment is given to correct the underlying abnormality.
In cases where hormonal evaluation is completely normal, further surgical evaluation of the woman`s uterus (womb) is recommended. Investigations such as a hysterosalpingogram or hysteroscopy are recommended to evaluate the uterine cavity. In addition, an endometrial biopsy may be suggested to evaluate for a possible low-grade endometrial infection which can sometimes contribute to the cause of miscarriage.
Additional blood tests are obtained to evaluate for chromosomal or blood clotting abnormalities as well as evaluation of other physical illnesses, which the woman may have and are recognised to contribute to recurrent miscarriage.
Contributing Factors
Environmental, toxicity and lifestyle factors are often very significant contributors to miscarriage. In particular excessive alcohol and smoking together with toxic levels of heavy metals, a busy stressful working environment or other lifestyle stress factors may be the primary reasons why the couple are having miscarriages.
... Couples with a history of eight to nine previous miscarriages have now had successful pregnancies using FertilityCare...
The FertilityCare™ and NaProTechnology approach to managing recurrent miscarriage is one of searching for the underlying problem and treating whatever we find. In addition, once the couple does conceive, ongoing hormone support and monitoring during pregnancy may be suggested with natural progesterone or HCG support. This is gradually reduced and discontinued depending on the results of progesterone blood tests taken every two weeks during the early stages of pregnancy.
Treatment may be modified for subsequent attempts that may improve the chances of success.
Success Rates for Recurrent Miscarriage
Approximately 80% of couples will eventually have successful treatment using this approach. Unfortunately it does not work for everybody. In most instances, this approach is certainly worth attempting. Treatment is safe and minimally invasive and significantly increases your chances of having a successful pregnancy.
To begin assessment and for referrals for NaproTechnology medical consultations Contact Us