Yes! Regardless of whether a woman has regular or irregular cycles, the method can be used with the same effectiveness. It can also be used as an evaluation tool to help detect and subsequently treat the underlying cause of the irregularity.
The Creighton Model has a higher level of accuracy in detecting ovulation that any other method available on the market. As well as this, unlike ovulation kits (which tell the woman nothing about her cervical mucus), the Creighton Model also pinpoints exactly which days are fertile based on the quality and quantity of mucus, a key aspect of fertility which is necessary for conception to occur. A woman can be ovulating every month, but without mucus, conception cannot occur.
The old rhythm method was based on the 'average' length of days of a number of cycles. As the majority of women don't have 28 day cycles and most do not ovulate on day 14, the rhythm method is not accurate in most cases. This old, outdated method is not a reliable way of calculating the specific days of fertility for most women. The Creighton Model is based on a clearly visible and highly accurate objective sign of fertility - cervical mucus. This highly reliable 'biomarker' is unique to each woman and accurate monitoring is a simple, natural process, however regular or irregular a woman's cycle is.
The specific fertile phase is completely variable for each woman. It is a myth that every woman ovulates on day 14. Ovulation can occur early in the month, well before day 14, especially as women near menopause. Ovulation can also occur late in the month where there is acute stress during the mucus buildup. Tracking with the Creighton Model allows a woman to know with accuracy where ovulation occurs, wherever it may happen from month to month.
Absolutely. Any woman can learn, either with or without their partner. We try to encourage partners to be involved as much as possible, however every couple is different.
Yes. A woman can ovulate more than once a month (e.g. in the case of non identical twins and triplets) but even when multiple ovulations occur, they still all occur on the same day (within the same 24 hour period).
Yes. The Creighton Model is particularly effective during breastfeeding compared to other natural methods. It enables a woman to navigate her way through this particular time (and use the method to avoid or achieve pregnancy) while at the same time, allowing the woman to observe her fertility returning over time. It can be used whether a woman is fully or particularly breastfeeding, or not breastfeeding at all.
Yes. The Creighton Model is highly effective in assisting pre-menopausal women to avoid pregnancy until the periods cease. It allows a woman to navigate her way through this change in cycle pattern. Many women in this reproductive category also experience PMS symptoms at this time. Together with NaproTechnology, the Creighton Model can be used to evaluate and treat this very effectively.
Yes. Clearly everything is not ‘normal’ and there is still an underlying problem that has not yet been identified. The FertilityCare approach is meticulous in how it approaches the underlying problem. Any treatment is aimed specifically at the problem/s. Couples who receive Fertilitycare services rarely leave with the diagnosis of ‘unexplained infertility’.