Seminars & Workshops

Integrity FertilityCare™ prides itself on providing authentic, contemporary and dynamic Fertility Education for men and women of all age groups.

Not only does it provide individual consultations as part of the service programme for family planning, infertility or women’s healthcare, it also provides a wide selection of public and small / large group lectures, seminars and workshops to meet the individual needs of various groups.

These can be arranged and conducted at your convenience when available.

Seminars & Workshops

  • Achieving pregnancy…naturally!
  • How does Natural Fertility Management really work?
  • Alternatives to Artificial Reproductive Technology /IVF
  • Is artificial contraception safe? Are there alternatives?
  • Family planning during breastfeeding: an ecological approach…
  • Coming off the pill and hoping to conceive?
  • Stress and infertility
  • Women’s healthcare and fertility appreciation
  • Teen Programme: empowering teens with fertility facts-
  • Nearing menopause and what to expect…

Lectures and content are individually tailored to meet your specific group need. If you are part of a professional body, women’s group, mainstream medical or alterative therapy centre, school, hospital, family planning or healthcare centre, or any organization that would like to book a speaker, please Contact Us

Teeen Fertility Awareness

The teenage years are the ideal time for young women to begin to learn about this most wondrous aspect of their health.

A balanced and informed understanding of normal fertility and reproductive health is empowering. It enables teenage girls to look after their fertility and be able to make healthy decisions for the future.

To book an appointment in the Teen Fertility Awareness Programme, Contact Us